Occasional musings, Geistesblitze, photos, drawings etc. by a "resident alien", who has landed on American soil from a far-away planet called "Germany".

Saturday, October 25, 2014

New Photobook: Bhutan and Nepal

It was an unforgettable experience.


Anonymous said...

unglaublich, was Ihr alles gesehen habt!
und bewundernswert, wie Du alles ausgewaehlt, fotografiert und geordnet zu Papier gebracht hast. Ein Genuss es anzusehen!
Vielen Dank!
Dein alter Freund Volker Sayn

Ulrich said...

Hallo Volker! Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar!
Yes, it was remarkable, and we plan to return to Nepal next year, to go from there to Tibet.

Al Rodbell said...

Inspiring, knowing that I'm only two years older than you, I'm inspired by your vitality. I like the idea of documenting an adventure in this book form, since even if I have forgoten the experience by the time I return, I can read about it later.

Your friend

Al Rodbell